Musiklabel Dienstleistungen – TOURBO music

music label services

We at TOURBOmusic support artists in releasing music since 2017. Our mission is to help musicians navigate the complex world of music distribution and promotion and ensure that the work reaches the right audience and achieves its full potential. potential unfolded.

Our services as a record label are designed to cover every aspect of the release process. We initially work closely with youto develop a customized publishing strategy that aligns with your artistic vision and goals.

Whether you are releasing a single, an EP or a whole album, we offer you the necessary expertiseto plan your release, from setting the schedule to identifying key markets. But that's not all - it's just as important to get your music heard.

Our team is on specialized in digital marketing and promotion and helps you get featured in influential playlists that can significantly increase your exposure. We also use our contacts in the industry to draw attention to your publication, be it through press releases, blog posts or social media campaigns.

Contact: Tobias Bolfing –