Folk Mundart
"Jenä, hesch du das scho ghört" are the first words on Trummer's new album "Ir Brandig" (Sept 2025). The Bernese Oberland songwriter resumes the conversation, not only with his long-time song friend Jenä ("Chunnt scho guet"), but also with the audience. Trummer shares his new songs with various Swiss musicians (Shirley Grimes, Ursina, Hendrix Ackle, Billie Bird, Sina, El Ritschi, Valeska Steiner, Annina Mossoni, Sarah Widmer, Olivia Zaugg, DUO Zaugg & Widmerin, La Nefera). Each song also comes with a podcast in which Trummer continues the conversation started in the song with his respective guest.
In addition to the live band concerts with the subtle band (Trummer, Annina Mossoni, Robert Aeberhard, Samuel Baur), there are also duo evenings with duet partners Ursina, Shirley Grimes, Annina Mossoni, ElRitschi or Valeska Steiner. During these evenings, the conversation takes even more center stage, with songs by both artists being played and their (background) stories and connections being told and shared.
As you would expect from the 2021 SMA Artist Award winner, it will be thoughtful. But there is also plenty of room for cheerful and entertaining moments (Bamboulé!) – as befits a good, evening-long conversation.
Record christenings: 14 / 16 September 2025 – Kaufleuten Zürich and Mühle Hunziken Rubigen