Herz-Feuer – TOURBO music


Poetische Feuershows

Herz-Feuer stages hearty, poetic fire shows with depth and thousands of soap bubbles. With this combination, the artists are able to create magical moments that linger in the audience's hearts for a long time. Without any bangs but with a lot of warmth from their hearts, they carry the fire in their hands, dance with the elements and shine with the fire.

In winter 25/26, the duo will once again be touring Switzerland publicly with their popular piece "Glitter, Shine and Fire Dance". On the darkest and coldest days of the year, in all weathers, they will perform for the general public with their mission of bringing different generations, nationalities and social classes together in a warming, poetic fire and soap bubble show.
Since 2018, and with great success, the duo has regularly delighted cultural venues, cities and villages, conjuring up a very special experience that lingers in the memory for a long time.