Fatima Dunn
Songwriterin, Mundart, Folk
The singer/songwriter and cellist composes for cinema, television, radio plays, dance and theater. Her current album "Abigstärn" (TOURBOmusic, 2021) is her first work written entirely in dialect and she once again impresses with Fatima Dunn's palpable sincerity. At the concerts, you can expect an evening full of stories, subtle melodies and playful use of the cello: the artist not only uses the cello as a bass, harmony and melody instrument; she also uses it percussively as a sound body. Delay effects create plucked patterns that mesh like gears and drive the song forward.
She also reinterprets and sings several Franz Hohler songs. "Fatima Dunn is so accomplished as a composer and musician that she did Franz's originals justice, but got far more out of them than one could have imagined," says the artistic director of the Arosa Dialect Festival, Bänz Friedli, who curated the Hohler soirée in Olten. "The way Fatima spins Hohler's songs further and at the same time continues to write poetry is truly great art!"
Album “Birds and Bones”: Birds and Bones
Current album “Abigstärn”: Abigstern