Einzig und dr Andr
Mundart Lieder und Geschichten
There are three experienced guys on the stage, playing very small string instruments, and it makes an impression. They always seem a bit casual in their demeanor, but you enjoy listening and watching them, and that's what makes it so charming.
The songs, all original compositions, are sometimes sad, sometimes funny and always convey the image of a world that has remained relatively intact. Sometimes they hurt your heart, sometimes you are embarrassed. Most of the time they seem simple, fyyn and lyyslig and maintain a romantic idea of love in a fairy-light aesthetic.
Despite the self-declaration as a largely unsuccessful trio, something like rock'n'roll occasionally breaks out of the three as a microaggression. The "yeah, yeah's" and "hey baby's" break the great sentimentality that is otherwise so irrevocably maintained and against which one cannot and does not want to defend oneself.
Live Artist Market#23