Neue Schweizer Volksmusik
Drüdieter's music contains old and original elements from the Swiss folk music repertoire, as well as new and unheard-of elements that are not yet part of the canon of folk music. With dialect lyrics, Drüdieter create a connection to the current and local, while musically they like to graze and groove over the hedge. Rock, ska, folk and singer-songwriter traditions combine quite naturally with yodeling songs and Ländler. This resulted in a collection of their own pieces, newly composed cover versions, traditional songs and Ländler dances from Switzerland: the sound from the banks of the Muotasihlssippi. Since the release of the third album "Roscht & Rose", Andi Hug (Patent Ochsner) on drums and Tobi Zwyer (Schäbyschigg) on tuba and accordion have given the Drüdieter sound a new boost.
Current album "Rocht & Rose"